The paper I delivered at the recent Perelandra Colloquium in Oxford was entitled:
Some Ladies at Wantage: C. S. Lewis, Sister Penelope & The Community of St Mary the Virgin. Lewis dedicated Perelandra to "Some ladies at Wantage", the nuns of CSMV. Lewis's correspondence with Sister Penelope of CSMV began when Penelope wrote to Lewis about
Out of the Silent Planet. Their correspondence continued for the next 24 years, right to the end of Lewis's life.
One of the many blessings of my recent visit to Oxford was that I had the opportunity to visit Wantage thanks to the help of a nun from another religious community, Sister Catherine CSC, who drove me out to see the Community of St Mary the Virgin.
Here are some photos from that visit. . . .

Gatehouse where C. S. Lewis stayed
when he visited and spoke to the Junior Sisters of CSMV in the early 1940's

CSMV Cemetery
Sister Penelope's Memorial Marker