My time in the chapel service with middle school and high school students there was most enjoyable. The topic for the day was the spiritual themes in C. S. Lewis' The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The students' deep familiarity with the book was a joy to hear; one could almost argue that they told me more about the book than the other way around!
Afterwards I signed copies of my new book, The Hidden Story of Narnia for a number of interested students and faculty. (By the way, the young man in the second row above, with the dark hair and big smile, Travis Elliott, contributed an endorsement which appears on the back cover of my book.)
The students on the other side of the room were just as bright and good looking! As you can see below....
And speaking of linking up, I will be in Lynchburg, Virginia again on Saturday, May 29, 3 pm at the White Hart Cafe on Main Street for another presentation and signing of The Hidden Story. You may learn more about the White Hart Cafe here:
(Special thanks to my hosts in Lynchburg, Ernie & Gail Mitchell, who are always a delight and on this visit took me to the best Mexican Restaurant I have eaten at since moving away from San Diego, California many years ago!)