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Showing posts from November, 2011

C. S. Lewis in California

The photo above is from an assembly I did a couple of weeks ago at American Martyrs Catholic School in Manhattan Beach, California. I spoke to 4th-8th graders about "My Journey with C. S. Lewis". Before I got started, one of the younger students asked me if I was C. S. Lewis! I had the sad duty of telling her that Lewis died the year I was born. However, she and a few hundred other students seemed to enjoy my presentation anyway and many bought my books and asked for my autograph afterwards.... Out of all the groups, young and old, I have spoken to about C. S. Lewis in the past few years, this group had the most questions, and all of their questions were very interesting. In fact, I didn't have enough time to answer them all! During my visit to the Los Angeles area I also spoke to Dr. Diana Glyer's C. S. Lewis class at Azusa Pacific University. My topic there was all about the spiritual themes in "The Last Battle".  In addition, I spoke to the Sout...

California Dreaming

I will be in the Los Angeles area this week speaking about C. S. Lewis in three different locations and signing copies of my newest book, Speaking of Jack: A C. S. Lewis Discussion Guide . On Tuesday afternoon, November 15, I will be speaking to one of Dr. Diana Glyer's English classes at Azusa Pacific University about spiritual themes in  The Last Battle . Then, on the morning of Wednesday, November 16, I will be speaking to fourth through eighth graders at American Martyrs School in Manhattan Beach about "My Journey with C. S. Lewis". And in the evening I will be speaking to The Southern California C. S. Lewis Society, meeting at Azusa Pacific University, about "C. S. Lewis, Father Walter Adams & Spiritual Direction". For more information about The Southern California C. S. Lewis Society you may visit their web site here:  So. Cal. CSL Society .