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Showing posts from September, 2012

Now on Amazon

My newest book is now available on Amazon as well as on my web site. Click here for more info: Amazon

New Book in Print!

My newest book just arrived today! To learn more about it and order a signed copy click here:  Open Before Christmas .

A Prayer at Ground Zero

C. S. Lewis' Reading of George MacDonald

On Monday, September 24 at 7 pm, I will be speaking to the C. S. Lewis Society of Frederick, Maryland about Lewis' Reading of George MacDonald. The lecture is open to the public and will be held at All Saints Episcopal Church in downtown Frederick. For more information, click here:  Frederick CSL Society . I will also be signing copies of my books, including my newest:  Open Before Christmas .

Pre-Order Open Before Christmas

My newest book, Open Before Christmas: Devotional Thoughts for the Holiday Season , is now available for pre-order. It will be in print later this month. To learn more, and to obtain your signed copy, click here:  Open Before Christmas . Here is more information and an endorsement from the back cover: If you ask most people, ā€œWhat is Advent?ā€ they will probably not be able to give a correct answer. At best, they might tell you that when they were children they opened the doors of an Advent Calendar in the days leading up to Christmas. Similarly, if you asked the average person in the street, ā€œWhat are the Twelve Days of Christmas?ā€ they might only be able to sing a few lines from the song of the same name.   In this book, author Will Vaus seeks to deepen the readerā€™s knowledge of Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas leading up to Epiphany. However, this book goes even further than that. Readers are provided with devotional thoughts for each...

Being Mentored Like Timothy

The fourth post in my series on mentoring, taken from my book,  Keys to Growth: Meditations on the Acts of the Apostles , is now up on the  Next Leadership Blog . Enjoy!