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Showing posts from February, 2018

Once in a Lifetime

As you all probably know by now, Billy Graham passed away this week at the age of 99. Whereas Billy Graham was a household name to many around the globe, he was, to our family, a personal friend. As I said to another friend this week, it is a strange feeling losing Billy Graham. I lost my father over 20 years ago. But he and Billy were the same age, and their lives were so intertwined, that it is like losing part of my father all over again; and Billyā€™s passing is a reminder that we are losing a great generation, a generation I very much look up to. As I was reflecting on all of this, I decided to listen online to the sermon that Billy Graham preached on November 6, 1949, in Los Angeles, the night my father committed his life to follow Jesus Christ. It gave me an uncanny feeling to discover that sermon was on the text I have planned for months now, to be preaching on today, Mark 10:17-31. Coincidentally, this is also the text that I spoke about in my first sermon during my time ...

The Touch of Blessing

On Valentineā€™s Day we all heard the news of an event that is becoming far too frequent in our nationā€”another school shootingā€”this time in Florida. I, perhaps like you, have become very frustrated with our politicians and their lack of action on gun control. But what I am even more concerned about is the thought that we, all of us, may be growing numb to these sorts of events. One thing is certainā€”and that is that there is one person who is not numb to all of this. And that is our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe he is weeping right now over what is happening in our country. He is weeping because he loves us, all of us, but especially the children. We see that love displayed in our passage for today from Mark 10:13-16. Listen for Godā€™s word to youā€¦. People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them.  14  But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ā€œLet the little children come to me; d...