One of the very first questions I received when I announced this series on Ultimate Questions was: How does God want me to live my life? Once we have answered the questions: is there a God and what is God like? Then this question naturally follows. That is to say, it naturally follows, if you think that God cares about how we live. There are some people who believe there is a God who created the universe, set things in motion, and then left everything to operate according to natural law. We call this view deism. The God of the deists is not really involved in our lives on a day to day basis. But if you are a theist, then you believe that God not only created the universe, but he is also actually involved in sustaining the universe from day to day. We call this Godās providence. And the God who has revealed himself in Jesus of Nazareth is definitely a God who cares about us, our everyday lives and how we live. In fact, this God cared so much that he became one of us. Tha...