This week I was watching a particular politician on television. This politician was interacting with a group of reporters and answering their questions. Contrary to my usual response to politicians these days, I was deeply impressed. I was struck by this politicianās ability to think on his feet, his wide-ranging grasp of numerous issues facing our country, and this politicianās ability to articulate positions in a way that was at the same time captivating and compassionate. As I have been meditating on our Gospel passage for today, I have been struck by how much Jesus is like that politician. In fact, we never see Jesus giving a rehearsed speech in the Gospels. Rather, he answers the questions of his listeners and tells stories off the cuff that are both captivating and compassionate in their outlook. One thing that is different about Jesus, however, is that unlike the politicians of our time who are dealing with temporal issues, the topics that Jesus deals with have eternal im...