Ruins near Peter's House in Capernaum AUTHOR The author of this letter identifies himself as “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ”. This letter was universally accepted in the early church as written by Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. However, Peter’s authorship of this letter has been questioned by modern scholars. One point at issue is the fact that this letter appears to contain a quality of Greek writing that would seem to be beyond the capacity of a Galilean fisherman. This may be explained by what Peter says in 1 Peter 5:12, namely that he wrote this letter “with the help of Silas”. Some scholars claim that this letter reflects the persecution under the reign of Domitian, long after Peter’s death. However, what Peter says about persecution in this letter could just as easily be a description of the suffering of Christians under Nero. DATE If the Apostle Peter is indeed the author of this letter, then the most likely date of...