The Christian life is a process. I am still, in a sense, becoming a Christian, a Christ-in, Christ-like person. Sometimes I don't feel like I am making any progress. There are days when I wonder if I am really all that much different than I was on the day, over thirty years ago now, when I committed my life to follow Jesus Christ. But when I feel like that and ask, "How am I getting along in this process of becoming like Jesus?" it is sort of like a picture asking to step off the artist's easel and have a look at itself. And that is all wrong.
It is wrong because I am not my own creation. I am God's creation. He gave me Bios and he is the one giving me Zoe--bringing the statue to life. I am his work of re-creation as well as his work of creation. He is the artist and I am simply his painting, or his sculpture. So it is probably best for me to just stay put and allow him to continue molding me, let him continue painting Christ's portrait in me, until he is finished with what promises to be a masterpiece.
"For we are God's workmanship . . ." Ephesians 2:10