However, that is not all. Conversations with C. S. Lewis is a creative apologetic unequaled since Peter Kreeft's Between Heaven and Hell was first published. This is a book eminently suitable for passing on to one's atheist, agnostic and seeking friends. If one wants to become acquainted with the basic outline of Lewis's life and thought or if one desires to explore in an entertaining fashion the greatest philosophical and theological questions of all time, reading Conversations with C. S. Lewis by Robert Velarde is an excellent place to start. However, let the reader beware: once you pick up this book and begin to read you won't want to put it down until you have walked with C. S. Lewis to the surprising end of this fascinating journey.
To visit Robert Velarde's informative blog click here: http://robertvelarde.blogspot.com/. To purchase the book click below:
What's funny/sad about that is that I actually had a newspaper editor suggest to me recently that they might not publish a review I had written because the review was a positive one! I guess in the negative times in which we live one is expected to always include some criticism in a review.
This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering whether or not the Prince Caspian premiere at the o2 arena where they sold tickets to the public will count toward the box office total. I know that some is going to a children's hospital.
Have any idea?