- Conception and early growth (also known as writing).
- Birth and launching into the world (also known as publishing).
- The parent (author) of the book talking about his/her child ever after (also known as book promotion)!
In addition to booksignings, another part of promotion is receiving reviews, newspaper articles, etc. Our local paper here in Highland County, VA recently did a nice write up on the book. You can read it here: http://www.therecorderonline.com/news/2008/1106/news/044.html.
A third aspect of promotion involves doing radio interviews. I have two interviews scheduled for tomorrow. One interview will be on The Laurie Roth Show out of Spokane, WA starting at 7 pm EST. For more information on that you can visit her web site at www.therothshow.com. The other interview will be with John Fleming, host of The Corner on WDRC out of Hartford, CT. That interview will be live at 2 pm EST. For more information about that show you can visit http://www.wdrc.com/includes/news_items/6/news_items_more.php?section_id=6&id=206.
If you have the chance, do listen into one of these talk shows live or listen to the podcast. Thanks for keeping the ongoing life of The Professor of Narnia in your thoughts!