Yesterday I had the truly wonderful blessing of visiting Redeemer Classical School in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I was invited by Jeremiah Forshey to speak to his 8th grade literature class about C. S. Lewis's novel,
Till We Have Faces, which his class just finished reading. Mind you, I went to this speaking engagement wondering what 8th graders could possibly get out of reading a book I read for the first time in college and didn't even understand then. I was delightedly astonished at the intelligent and engaging conversation I had with these middle school students about C. S. Lewis, mythology, TWHF and The Four Loves: storge, philia, eros and agape. I left that encounter having received far more than what I was able to give. Wow! Three cheers for classical Christian education!!!
Then yesterday evening I gave a presentation on Lewis's life and works to some of the parents, faculty and board members of Redeemer Classical School. We too had a very enjoyable conversation about Lewis. However, I must admit that the adult conversation in no way matched the joy of the dialogue with the 8th graders earlier in the day!
If you want to learn more about Redeemer Classical School I invite you to click here:
http://www.redeemerclassical.org/index.php. I wish that I lived close enough to a classical Christian school for my own three boys to be able to take advantage of the best approach to primary and secondary school education I have seen anywhere.