The 3D experience definitely added greater depth and enjoyment to the whole movie-watching experience. This is certainly a movie that everyone should see on the big screen. This second time watching the film I was overwhelmed by the amazing attention to detail in every scene and every set design. One of my sons even noticed Eustace's hygiene award in his room at the beginning of the film! Some of the sets were so well done, especially at the beginning (Eustace's house, the Dawn Treader ship itself) that I wanted to linger awhile and explore.
Seeing the movie a second time I was struck, once again, by Will Poulter's excellent job playing the part of Eustace. The whole friendship between Eustace and the valiant mouse Reepicheep really moved me, especially their heart-wrenching good-bye at the end of the film.
Overall, this is a visually stunning and remarkably beautiful film with many uplifting spiritual messages embedded in it. And even where the filmmakers have changed elements from C. S. Lewis' original book, they have added biblical messages of their own. (Consider the sword that is used to kill the sea serpent in light of Ephesians 6:10-17.)
I hope that many people will continue to see this film in theaters throughout the holiday season. And I also pray that we will see a fourth installment in the Narnia movie franchise, namely The Silver Chair.