After reading through The Purpose Driven Church over the course of the past few months, and after our Strategic Planning Committee met for several weeks, we developed this Vision Statement for Stowe Community Church. We welcome the comments and questions of people in our church as well as those outside on our new vision....
- Being a church at the center of our community where all people will find a welcome, a place where all peopleāincluding the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, and the confusedāwill find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.
- Sharing the good news of Jesus with the thousands of people in our community who currently claim no religious affiliation.
- Developing a positive awareness of our church in our community through advertising, events, participation in community activities, and a vibrant social media presence.
- Welcoming hundreds of new members into the fellowship of our church family where they can love, learn, laugh, and live in harmony together.
- Developing people to spiritual maturity by offering classes for all ages about: knowing Christ (membership), growing in Christ (maturity), serving Christ (ministry), and sharing Christ (missions).
- Spiritually caring for our members and the people of our community through fellowship events and a network of small groups for: youth, children, parents of young children, parents of youth, empty-nesters, singles, men, women, retirees, people in recovery, and others.
- Offering multiple worship services with many different styles (traditional, contemporary, contemplative, etc.) throughout the week.
- Serving our community by working in conjunction with other churches and households of faith to offer food, shelter, clothing and other ministries to those in need.
- Offering outreach events throughout the year that will minister to the spiritual needs of our community through music, fellowship, teaching, and other means.
- Renovating and expanding our existing building to accommodate a church family of five hundred people or more.
- Building a staff that will minister to the children and youth of our community, leading families into a personal, and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Supporting and sending both short-term and long-term missionaries who will share the love of Jesus with those in need in our community and around the world.
- Preserving the history of our church with its roots in the early 1800s, and sharing this heritage with the Stowe community.