We began our visit to Cambridge with a lecture from the Rev. Dr. Malcolm Guite, Chaplain of Girton College. Malcolm is also a poet, published author, and Anglican priest. You can access his web site here: Malcolm Guite. Malcolm spoke to us about C. S. Lewis' inaugural lecture at Cambridge on November 29, 1954. Malcolm's talk was delivered in the very room where Lewis gave his first lecture as Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature.
After Malcolm's lecture, we walked to the other end of the Cambridge city centre to view Lewis' college, Magdalene. As Lewis did at Oxford, so at Cambridge, he attended chapel services regularly in term time....
On our second day in Cambridge we took a morning walk along the River Cam, led by Malcolm Guite, to the village of Grantchester.
Upon arriving in Grantchester we made our way to The Orchard where we had tea and scones while listening to Malcolm read various bits of poetry, including his own.
After tea at the Orchard we walked next door to the Old Vicarage where the poet Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) once stayed. There is a lovely statue of Brooke in front of the house....
A couple of Brooke's poems have become quite well-known and often recited. One of these is entitled, "The Old Vicarage--Grantchester" and contains these lines....
God! I will pack, and take a train,And get me to England once again!For England's the one land, I know,Where men with Splendid Hearts may go;And Cambridgeshire, of all England,The shire for Men who Understand;And of that district I preferThe lovely hamlet Grantchester.The poem ends with these lines....
Stands the Church clock at ten to three?And is there honey still for tea?
Thus, after viewing the outside of the Old Vicarage, we made our way up the street to the Church of St. Andrew & St. Mary. As many will know, this is where the BBC/PBS television series is filmed, as was evident upon entering the church....
Of course, the even more well known "church" in the area is King's College Chapel, whose boy choir is heard by radio around the world on Christmas Eve through the broadcast of their Nine Lessons & Carols service. Upon seeing this chapel for the first time, Lewis said it was beautiful beyond hope or belief....
A visit to Cambridge would not be complete without punting on the River Cam...
from which vantage point one gains gorgeous views of many of the colleges including Kings....