"'Only the Greatest of all can make Himself small enough to enter Hell. For the higher a thing is, the lower it can descend--a man can sympathise with a horse but a horse cannot sympathise with a rat. Only One has descended into Hell.'
"'And will He ever do so again?'
"'It was not once long ago that He did it. Time does not work that way when once ye have left the Earth. All moments that have been or shall be were, or are, present in the moment of His descending. There is no spirit in prison to Whom He did not preach.'
"'And some hear him?'
C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, London: Geoffrey Bles, 1945, p. 114.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for descending into my hell, opening the gate of my jail cell, and bringing me out of darkness into the light of your love. Amen.