The first room of the Narnia exhibit is designed to resemble C. S. Lewis's study and includes, among other things, the real wardrobe that used to belong to C. S. Lewis's brother, Warren. From the study you get to enter Narnia through a wardrobe with real fur coats in it. The snowflakes from Lantern Waste stayed in my hair for quite some time afterwards! The whole exhibit is extremely well done and includes many of the original props, pieces of the set and costumes from the two recent Narnia movies. This exhibit really is a must-see for all Narnia fans.
Two of the tour guides were thrilled that I was there when they learned that I was the author of The Professor of Narnia and a friend of Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis's step-son. In fact, they were so excited about my presence at the exhibit that they told others about it after our departure. As a result, one couple they told ended up attending my presentation at the Scottsdale First Assembly of God Dream Center that night! Talk about divine appointments!
To learn more about the Narnia Exhibition click here: www.narniaexhibition.com.