On Saturday, November 1, I faced what every author dreads . . . showing up for a booksigning and realizing the bookstore has done very little advertising. The bookstore had a table for me to sign books inside their front door. But there was no poster announcing my arrival, and obviously little or no advertising had been done.
But then the cavalry showed up in the form of my publisher, Dianne Haskett, and her graphic designer husband, Jack Kotowicz (pictured above). They brought with them a whole group of friends. Dianne introduced me to the group gathered, and we drew a crowd of others who were in the store shopping! We held an impromptu presentation on C. S. Lewis and had a delightful time of Q&A.
Here is a photo of some of the folks who came. . . .

One of my sons didn't believe me when I told him I was joined at this booksigning by one of the presidential candidates. But I was! His name is General Jerry Curry and he is second from the right in the photo. To learn more about him and his campaign visit:
I'm glad you have enjoyed the blog and found it to be an encouragement.
I hope you will join us for our CSL Society meeting at Barnes & Noble in Harrisonburg this Thursday, 7:30 pm. We will be discussing "The Last Battle".
If not then, I hope to meet you at my signing of "The Professor of Narnia" at Barnes & Noble, Harrisonburg, on Friday November 21 at 7 pm.