The Professor of Narnia visited Wheaton College on Monday, November 3. I had the privilege of speaking to many students and faculty about my 35 year journey in reading books by and about C. S. Lewis which laid the foundation for my latest book.
My gracious hosts at Wheaton were: Dr. Wayne Martindale, Professor of English and author of
Beyond the Shadowlands: C. S. Lewis on Heaven & Hell, and Dr. Christopher Mitchell, Director of the Wade Center:

While at Wheaton I also had the blessing of visiting the Billy Graham Center archives:

As recounted in my book,
My Father Was a Gangster: The Jim Vaus Story, my father was led to Christ by Billy Graham at the 1949 Los Angeles Crusade. To my pleasant surprise, upon entering the archival storage room I spied this poster on the wall:

My father would have been pleased as he always had a warm place in his heart for Wheaton College, having spoken there on many occasions. In addition to that connection Dad was a student at Wheaton for a brief period of time in 1939 when he roomed there with fellow students Dick Halverson (later Chaplain of the United States Senate) and Carl F. H. Henry (well known evangelical theologian).

Any place that brings together Billy Graham and C. S. Lewis, not to mention many others in between, is a wonderful place indeed.