Laurence's mother originally wrote to Mr. Lewis because her son was concerned that he was loving Aslan more than Jesus. Lewis wrote back and said, among other things, "Laurence can't really love Aslan more than Jesus, even if he feels that's what he is doing. For the things he loves Aslan for doing or saying are simply the things Jesus really did and said." (Letters to Children, 6 May 1955)
Through the miracle of the Internet I have been in touch with Laurence over the past couple of years. Just recently, Laurence read the manuscript of my new book, The Hidden Story of Narnia, and here is what he had to say about it:
"The Hidden Story of Narnia gives us a wonderful link between the themes of The Chronicles of Narnia and Scripture, both Old and New Testaments. The author is deeply familiar with a broad variety of Lewis's other writings, and adds a lot of depth to the fiction, rooting it in the soil of his more serious material. The questions at the end of each chapter also provide a good springboard for discussion, as well as inspiration for personal reflection."
You may read more about Laurence Krieg and his correspondence with C. S. Lewis here: http://home.comcast.net/~krieg5208/Lewis/index.htm
And here is an image of one of Lewis' letters to Laurence:
