Monday at dawn
Seagulls crying in the sky
I stood in the surf
and poured out your ashes
Like the sands of time
In an hourglass run out
The beauty of your life
Reduced to a few grains
But the Person you followed
Through all the twists and turns
Of your earthly journey
Spoke these wordsā¦
Unless a grain of wheat
Falls into the earth and dies
It remains a single grain
But if it dies, it bears much fruit
Any fool can count
The seeds in an apple
But only God can count
The apples in one seed
Your life was a seed
That bore the fruit of my being
You planted the seed of the Word
In countless lives
If mortals die, will they live again?
All the days of my service
I will wait
Until my release comes
Maybe then I will hold you again
Because of the One who holds me now
The One who was held on a cross to die
Amen ā¦ May it be