On 8 November 1962 C. S. Lewis wrote to "the American Lady", Mary Willis Shelburne:
"Yes, I can well understand how you long for 'a place of your own'. I nominally have one and am nominally master of the house, but things seldom go as I would have chosen. The truth is that the only alternatives are either solitude (with all its miseries and dangers, both moral and physical) or else all the rubs and frustrations of a joint life. The second, even at its worst seems to me far the better." Collected Letters, Volume III, p. 1379
"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone.'" Genesis 2:18
Prayer: Thank you Father, that you place the lonely in families. So often we human beings irk one another because we are all fallen, and therefore hard to live with. But let me not live under the illusion that I would be happier left to myself. Help me always to seek the community of others in Christ. Amen.