The day after his wife's death C. S. Lewis wrote to Peter Bide: "Joy died at 10 o'clock last night in the Radcliffe. I was alone with her at the moment, but she was not conscious. I had never seen the moment of natural death before. It was far less dreadful than I had expected -- indeed there's nothing to it. . . .
"I can't understand my loss yet and hardly (except for brief but terrible moments) feel more than a kind of bewilderment, almost a psychological paralysis. A bit like the first moments after being hit by a shell. . . .
"One doesn't realise in early life that the price of freedom is loneliness. To be happy one must be tied." Collected Letters, Volume III, p. 1169
"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" Genesis 2:18
"I can't understand my loss yet and hardly (except for brief but terrible moments) feel more than a kind of bewilderment, almost a psychological paralysis. A bit like the first moments after being hit by a shell. . . .
"One doesn't realise in early life that the price of freedom is loneliness. To be happy one must be tied." Collected Letters, Volume III, p. 1169
"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" Genesis 2:18