C. S. Lewis once said that for him Heaven would be like Oxford set in the middle of County Down. Looking at the photo above one can guess why he would say that. I love travel and exploration so I can relate to Heaven being like endlessly exploring a wonderful country. And like Lewis I could spend a lifetime endlessly exploring Oxford (the bookstores, the pubs, the architecture, the history, the secret gardens, the rivers, the variety of people, the colleges and the intellectual life) or the beautiful scenery of County Down (with its quaint little villages like Crawfordsburn, the majestic mountains which drop off into the sea, the sandy beaches, the glowing stained glass in churches like Downpatrick).
I have often been a bit troubled by the fact that I don't respond positively to some of the images of Heaven in the Bible--streets of gold and gates of pearl don't thrill me. But the bottom line is that Heaven will be better than anything humans can imagine, whether that be the human beings who wrote the books of the Bible, or even the most imaginative and creative human writers like C. S. Lewis. Heaven will be more beautiful, more fascinating, more deeply satisfying and refreshing than any picture we could paint of it--and that mainly because the One we were created to glorify and enjoy will be there.
"No eye has seen,
No ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who
love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9