"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." (Revelation 3:20)
If you think of your life like a house, then when you first invite Jesus into your life he comes in through the front door and stands in the hallway. That's a good first step, but Jesus wants to do so much more. He wants to occupy every room in your life: the kitchen where you eat; the living room where you entertain guests; the attic where you keep your memories; the family room; the bedroom; and the basement where you may have a number of things you don't want anyone to see. Jesus wants to come in and re-decorate. Some things need to be torn down; others need to be built up. In fact, as C. S. Lewis says, Jesus wants to transform the whole house from a simple cottage to a palace with every room fit for him to live in.
This occupying and re-decorating process will take your whole life on earth, maybe even longer. The important thing is to let the process begin if you haven't done that yet. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer. He may just be knocking on your door today. Do you hear his voice?
The second most important thing is to let the occupying and re-decorating process continue once Jesus has come into your life. Are there certain rooms you are keeping under lock and key? Turn over the keys of your life to him. Let him have it all. You need not be embarrassed to let him into any particular room of your life. He knows about it all anyway. So why not let him in? He loves you and he has a great plan for the living house which is you. So just let him take over every room. You'll be glad you did.
Dear Jesus, today I invite you afresh into the living house which is my life. I turn over the keys of my life to you. Come in and occupy every room. Forgive me for the places where I have left messes. I know you will do a better job cleaning them up than I ever could. Transform the house of my life into a palace fit for you in every respect. And fill each room with the warmth of your presence. Amen.