I had the blessing of hearing and meeting Tom Wright in person last November in Washington, D. C., at a coffee and dessert reception for InterVarsity Press authors. Wright spoke about his new book published by IVP entitled Evil and the Justice of God. The first book I ever read by Tom Wright was The Meaning of Jesus. And I certainly take the Wright side in the "debate" with Marcus Borg. Over the past two years I have been reading anything by N. T. Wright I can get my hands on.
So how thrilled do you think I was when I heard that Wright (my new favorite author) delivered a paper about Lewis (my old favorite author) and Mere Christianity at the recent Society for Biblical Literature meeting in Washington, D. C.? That paper has now been published in Touchstone magazine with the title: Simply Lewis. You can access this essay online by clicking here: http://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=20-02-028-f. Wright's essay is a must-read for anyone who has appreciated Mere Christianity.
In the preface to Mere Christianity Lewis compares Christianity to a house with many rooms and mere Christianity to the entry hall. Wright, very helpfully, points out where he thinks that entry hall is in good shape, and where it is in need of repair. But rather than say any more, I encourage you to go and read Wright's reflections on Mere Christianity for yourself. And let me just say for now that in the near future I plan to write more about the similarities and differences between the theological writings of these two great Anglicans.